10 Flirting Tips to Follow
Below you’ll find 10 flirting tips to follow.
Do you know the proper way to flirt? If you pass a gorgeous person on the street, should you initiate contact or keep walking? What about if you’re at a party, and you happen to sit down next to the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen?
The first key to successful flirting is not an ability to show off and impress, but the knack of conveying that you like that person. If your “target” knows that you find him/her attractive and interesting, he/she will be more inclined to like you.
Conveying that you like someone, and judging whether or not the attraction is mutual, involves a combination of verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
When you first meet new people, their initial impression of you will be based:
55% on your appearance and body language
38% on your style of speaking
7% on what you actually say
Let those numbers sink in.
How you look and speak is much more important than what you say. You could be telling the most boring story in the world, but as long as you look good and sound animated and positive, people will be drawn to you.
Here are 10 flirting tips to follow:
1. Do initiate flirtation with people of roughly the same level of attractiveness as yourself.
2. Don’t flirt with people who are unlikely to return your interest.
3. Use non-verbal flirting techniques:
Eye Contact: hold your target’s gaze for a few seconds.
Interpersonal Distance: find the sweet spot between being uncomfortably close or way too far away from your target (unless there’s a pandemic and you need to socially distance).
Posture: echo your target’s posture.
Facial Expressions: smile and look genuinely happy to talk.
Touch: reach out and put your hand gently on your target’s arm for a few seconds if it feels appropriate.
Vocal Signals: aim for moderation in volume and tone, with some variation in pitch and pace.
4. Opening lines: Ask a direct, open-ended question.
5. Turn-Taking: Make sure both parties contribute equally to the conversation.
6. Talking: Stay positive, and don’t reveal too much about yourself too soon.
7. Listening: Give verbal and non-verbal signals to show that you’re paying attention and interested.
8. Reciprocal Disclosure: Maintain a balance between your disclosures and those of your target.
9. Humor: Make jokes to reduce anxiety and establish a relaxed mood.
10. Parting: If you’d like to see this person again, you have to ask!
Flirting can be simple if done correctly. If you have confidence in yourself and know you have a lot to offer, the other person will hopefully notice and flirt right back. This Elite Singles article adds that you should give at least one clear compliment in the conversation. Everyone loves a compliment!
If you follow my 10 flirting tips, you will be a flirting expert and attract all the right people.