Are you compatible or combatible? Do you feel like your relationship is based on similarities and open communication, or are you always arguing and waiting for it to fall apart?

You may stay in a relationship longer than you should because you have lots of passion and excitement. Perhaps you have amazing sex, but outside of the bedroom, you can’t agree on anything. Are you with your partner for the right reasons?

Traits of a Compatible Relationship:

1. Similar life goals and requirements

You and your partner are in agreement about the path you want to take and how you’ll live your life together. A decision has been made about having kids or not, where you’ll live, and what type of lifestyle you’ll have as a family.

2. In the same stage of life

If you and your partner are in the same stage of life and are interested in the same thing right now, then you’re on your way to a successful, happy relationship.

3. Fulfillment of your desires

For a relationship to be compatible, you should connect with your partner physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It takes time to develop these aspects, but once you feel compatible on all four levels, hold on to this person forever!

4. Ability to be your best self

There’s no need to hold back or put up a wall around your partner. You are the truest and best version of yourself, and you aren’t embarrassed to let your personality shine through.

5. Your five senses approve

Pay attention to your five senses when you’re in a relationship. They are all important indicators of attraction. Any sign you receive from your sense of sight, sound, taste, smell, or touch shouldn’t be ignored.

6. Good chemistry

Having chemistry with your partner is vital to a compatible relationship. If you’re compatible in all the above ways and have excellent chemistry, then you may be a perfect match.


Traits of a Combatible Relationship:

It’s pretty simple. If you’re lacking in any or all of the above traits that are needed for a compatible relationship, it’s likely combatible instead! Breaking out into constant fights and walking on eggshells around your partner are other traits of a combatible relationship.