You really want to start dating right now, but this pesky coronavirus ruined your plans for love.

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You broke up with your boyfriend just in time for the biggest pandemic of our generation. Not the greatest timing, huh? Who wants to be single at a time like this?

You’d rather cuddle up with a warm body than be stuck hugging your stuffed animal every night.

You think about all your coupled up friends with envy and wonder if you’ll ever date again.

Is it possible to date during the coronavirus? Yes, but you’ll have to make some major adjustments to your dating habits.


First, let’s talk about dating someone you have already met before.

Maybe you were in the same group of friends, or you worked together, or you were in a club/league/activity together.

Whatever the case, you’re in a perfect position to try and date now. You already know what he’s like in person, and you have a sense of his energy level and personality.

Although some people like to jump into the physical aspect of dating right away, the coronavirus will give you the chance to get to know him on a deeper level without the physical stuff getting in the way.

You can have a multitude of virtual experiences together. Be creative!

In addition to the usual methods, like FaceTime, Zoom chats, and Skype calls, you can play games on the Houseparty app, watch a Netflix movie at the same time and discuss it afterwards, or buy the same ingredients and cook a meal together.

The only downfall of dating virtually is that you don’t know if you’ll have chemistry when you do finally have a date in person.

If you flirted with each other before, then you’re definitely on the right track for a successful relationship. If you never thought of each other in a romantic way, this experience will hopefully open your eyes to new possibilities.


Now let’s talk about dating someone you’ve never met in person yet.

In an ideal world, meaning “pre-coronavirus,” you’d both swipe right on the dating app, have some witty banter, and then meet in person.

You could find out if this guy is a good match for you within days of swiping right. If not, you’d move on to the next one.

However, in this day and age, dating isn’t quite as simple. You can definitely try all the suggestions I mentioned above, and it’ll be a wonderful way to get to know each other on an emotional and intellectual level.


What about getting physical?

Here’s where it gets tricky. You can put off meeting in person for as long as possible, but it’s risky.

You need that physical proximity to decide if this person is right for you.

Believe it or not, your sense of smell kicks into overdrive and sends a message to your brain. Your brain will tell you if you have compatibility or not.

You might have great chemistry over the phone, but you need to discover if you have in-person chemistry as well.


Everyone has different levels of comfort with COVID-19.

If you’re afraid to meet anyone in person right now, that’s understandable. You just need to be upfront with the person you’re trying to date.

He may be fine with a virtual relationship for now. Be aware that you might be wasting your time, though.

All those hours you spend talking virtually may be for nothing if you do finally meet in person and feel no chemistry.

You have a slight leg up if you already knew each other before. There’s still a chance that you won’t be compatible when you take your relationship to the next level, but you at least have an idea of what he’s like in person.


If you’re a cautious dater…

This means you’re taking precautions but still wanting to meet in person.

I’d suggest taking it slow at first. Get to know each other virtually for at least the first three dates, and then you can make that leap to in-person dating if you both feel comfortable with it.

You can both wear a mask and keep your distance, so you’ll feel safe while picking up on each other’s energy.

It’s up to you if you want to kiss or touch at all, as long as you are honest about where you’ve been and if you may have been exposed to the virus.


It’s possible to date safely during the coronavirus, but both people have to be on board.

Some people refuse to leave their homes right now, and then there are others at the opposite extreme.

If you fall into the category of going back to “normal” living, please do so at your own risk.

It has been a few months since the pandemic started, but it’s not going away anytime soon. I recently read an article entitled “America is done with COVID-19. COVID-19 isn’t done with America.” That sums it up pretty well.

You can go ahead and date like you used to, and you’ll probably find others who will happily jump at the chance to date you, too. Just be mindful of others and sympathetic to those you may be putting at risk.


In the dating world, the coronavirus is comparable to the worst possible STD.

Getting an STD has always been something to worry about. Now, just standing near someone can give you this terrible virus.

That puts a damper on dating!

Holding hands, which is normally a sweet and romantic gesture in the beginning stages of dating, is now considered taboo. You don’t know what your date has touched lately, so you don’t want that hand touching you!

Kissing is a natural step of dating to assess your feelings for each other, but that’s basically out of the question these days as well.

So what do I think about all of this? Are you screwed? Are you destined to shrivel up and live a lonely existence? No!

There is still hope for all of us. Dating is possible, but you have to make some changes for the time being.

This pandemic will eventually end. Probably not next month, but hopefully sometime next year.

Use this time as an opportunity to get to know yourself fully and figure out what you’re looking for in a partner. Make a list of your relationship requirements. You will find your ideal mate if you have a clear vision of him.