Should you try online dating? It has taken over the dating world. There are so many websites and apps to communicate with prospects and get dates.

You’d think that with all the people using these methods, the success rate is high. I’ve known plenty of people that met their partners through an online venue, but…

The majority of people date “incorrectly” when using dating sites and apps.

I put “incorrectly” in quotes because some would argue that there’s no correct or incorrect way to date online. If someone wants to use an app to get one night stands, that’s his/her prerogative. However, people that are looking for a committed relationship are also using dating apps, and these are the ones I’m referring to when I discuss incorrect dating methods.

If you look around when you’re out in public, I guarantee you that the majority of people are staring at their phones. Some might be talking on the phone, but…

Even talking has taken a backseat to swiping and texting.

Some sites require, or at least recommend, a detailed profile, and those are the ones that are more beneficial to their users. Unfortunately, with today’s swiping mentality, people easily dismiss potential partners based on a picture. What if you accidentally swiped left on your soulmate?

Does one profile picture decide your fate?

Lots of people continuously swipe left, knowing there are millions of other options out there. Or they swipe right on everyone, and meet as many people as possible. However, they don’t give anyone a real chance, because they know they can swipe right on hundreds of others that same night.

Online dating can be great if you approach it correctly.

If you give everyone a chance, tell them what you’re looking for, and have a phone conversation before meeting them in person, it will save you a lot of time and heartache.

The phone conversation is equal to meeting them at a party and having a quick chat before exchanging numbers. You might realize you don’t click while talking, and you feel that a date in person is unnecessary. That just saved you a few hours of pain!

In this phone call, you should also clarify what your reason is for dating. If you’re looking for a commitment, while the other person just wants to play the field, you get to decide if meeting in person makes sense.

There’s always the chance that you have a wonderful phone conversation, but then you don’t feel any attraction or chemistry in person. That’s why you shouldn’t have lots of lengthy phone calls and delay meeting in person.

You should try online dating if you’re single during a pandemic.

Check out my article on Dating During the Coronavirus to learn if it’s the right method for you. If you can’t meet in person for a while, then virtual dates are the way to go. You can avoid all the awkwardness of a first kiss and instead get to know each other on a deeper level. Unfortunately, you run the risk of feeling a strong emotional connection without having chemistry.

Online dating can take many directions.

You can meet immediately and feel nothing.

You can text and talk for weeks, and then meet and feel nothing.

You can meet immediately and jump into bed because you have chemistry. Then once you get to know each other, you realize there’s no long-term potential.

You can text and talk for weeks. Because you feel a tiny bit of attraction, you force a relationship since you’ve already dedicated so much time and energy into this person.

In my opinion, the best method for online dating is to have a few texting exchanges within a few days. Then have one or two phone conversations (no more than an hour long) or virtual chats (on FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype), and meet in person as soon as possible. You may feel a connection, and you may not. That’s life.

Online dating is worth trying.

What have you got to lose? This article describes the Best Dating Sites of 2020. There are plenty of different options. You can join multiple sites and apps or just stick with one. It will give you something to look forward to. And you never know… you might find exactly what you’re looking for!