Should you trust your gut?

The short answer is YES, you should always trust your gut. Your intuition knows what is right for you, and you should listen to any voice you hear in the back of your mind.

Is it your gut or cold feet?

I’ve heard countless stories of people who had second thoughts about marrying their partners on their wedding day, and they went through with it but later got divorced.

If people tell you to push your doubts away because it’s just cold feet, you should ignore everyone and only listen to yourself. You may realize that your gut is speaking to you.

It’s so difficult to end a marriage at any stage, and calling it off just before the wedding may seem ridiculous. After spending months planning the perfect wedding and pouring out tons of money to get every detail right, why would you call it off?

Unfortunately, many couples stay together for much longer than they should because they’d feel guilty ending it. They feel obligated to spend their lives with this person because they made a vow that they would.

Or, if they’re not married, they feel like it’s not worth the effort to cut off ties and separate their belongings and say goodbye to everyone and everything that’s connected to their partners.

Ending a toxic relationship is a huge step, but it’s the only option if you want to have a happy, fulfilling life.

Even if you have doubts, it’s common to convince yourself that everything is fine. You suppress your feelings because you don’t want to face reality. You continue with the relationship because it’s comfortable and easy.

If you have an inkling that it’s wrong, get the courage to end it.

You must listen to yourself. If you push your gut feeling aside, you’ll face much bigger consequences later on. Maybe not tomorrow or even a year from now, but you’ll eventually have to deal with the fact that your relationship isn’t right for you.

Staying in a relationship for the wrong reasons is extremely common. You may stay because:

  1. You’re already committed to each other/married.

2. You have a child together.

3. You save money by living together.

4. You’ve been partners for a long time, and it’s convenient.

5. You gave up a job or house to be with this person.

If reading any of these makes you queasy, it’s time to reassess your relationship. Is it healthy for you to continue? If it helps, try meditating or taking a walk to clear your head. Ask yourself questions, and the answers will come to you.

Are you unsure of what your gut is telling you?

If you’re unsure, there are other ways to know. There’s a difference between feeling butterflies in your stomach and feeling like you’re going to throw up.

Nausea is obviously a bad sign, whereas butterflies are good.

You should also learn to trust your nose. What you smell is a very powerful indicator of how compatible you are with someone. It sends signals to the brain if the relationship is going sour, so if you don’t feel anything in your gut but start to get turned off by your partner’s smell, that’s a sign that it’s not right.

Your eyes will also “show you the light.” It’s important to be at least a little bit physically attracted to your partner in the beginning. That attraction can grow immensely, but if the person starts appearing unattractive to you over time, it’s another sign that the relationship isn’t meant to be.

Pay attention to your gut, nose, and eyes, and the truth will be evident to you. You have intuition for a reason, and it will lead you on the right path, no matter how many roadblocks you face along the way.