When will you meet your soulmate? Have you already come across the love of your life, or is this person still out there, waiting to be discovered by you?

The average person meets 80,000 people in a lifetime (assuming you interact with three new people a day). This means that you are introduced by name and may exchange at least a few words. But what about all the people you pass by without saying a word? Perhaps you quickly make eye contact and then look away.

It is estimated that you’ll see between 90,000 to 42.5 million faces in your lifetime.

That’s a lot of faces! Among all those faces, could one of them be your soulmate? When I was a teenager, my math teacher told me that I will likely meet the person I’m going to marry by the time I turn 18 years old. After getting more clarification, I realized that he meant I’ll be in the same vicinity as my soulmate at some point by that age. I may pass him on the street or look at him from afar, but I will not necessarily have any interaction with him.

By the time I turned 18, I had already lived in three major cities and traveled to a variety of places. There’s a very good chance that I did meet my soulmate, but if so, I wasn’t aware of it.

I heard another statistic that said you have a 35% chance of ending up with someone from your past.

That made me reminisce about all my previous relationships. Did I give up on one of my boyfriends too easily? But could it also mean that my soulmate is a friend or acquaintance that I knew from childhood? I had tons of interactions with all sorts of people, so maybe my soulmate was a boy who sat across from me in science class.

So… When will you meet your soulmate?

It’s impossible to give you an exact timeframe. Based on all the people you have met so far, your soulmate may already be a part of your life. Or it could very well be someone you knew in your childhood or teenage years. If you lived a sheltered life, your special someone might still be out there, waiting to be found.