I fully recommend the TRX Suspension Training Kit for the best home workout. It’s lightweight, simple to set up anywhere, and gives you a full-body workout.

I own a variety of exercise equipment at home, but the only one I use regularly is the TRX.

The TRX stands for Total Resistance Exercises.

It was developed by former Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick. He didn’t have access to weights or heavy equipment, but he wanted to stay in excellent shape while in the Navy. He spent years perfecting his invention, which is now used by thousands of people for home use and fitness centers. Read this Wikipedia page for more information about how it was created.

The TRX Suspension Training Kit is a configuration of pulleys that allows you to do bodyweight exercises. You just anchor it to a door, a secure beam, or a tree, and then you’re ready to go!

You can easily bring it with you when you travel, as it’s small and only weighs one pound. It can hold up to 350 pounds of weight, and it’s very durable.

You can do all sorts of workouts with the TRX.

Pull-ups and push-ups are two common upper body exercises, and the great thing about it is that YOU control how difficult or easy to make it. You simply step forward or back to change the level of difficulty.

Another awesome thing about the TRX is that it helps you with your balance. You can hold on to the handles while doing squats. This will give you a great leg workout while helping you stay balanced.

Plus, every single exercise you do on the TRX works your core. Having a strong core is so important for your health and fitness, and this does the trick without having to do hundreds of crunches.

It may seem intimidating at first, but there are lots of online videos to help you get started and teach you the proper form for each movement.

If you only buy one piece of exercise equipment, it should be the TRX Suspension Training Kit.

You’ll get a fun workout to do at home, and it will take less than 30 seconds to set up. I recommend this for all fitness levels for the best workout you’ll ever need!