Are You Ready For a Relationship Quiz

Are You Ready For a Relationship Quiz

Take this quiz to discover if you are ready for a relationship!

To assess your readiness for a committed relationship, rate yourself in each of the following ten areas. Try to be objective and honest with yourself. We recommend asking close friends and family members for their opinions as well.

​Rating Scale: Rate each item on a scale from 0-10, with 10 being a top score.

8-10 Good This area of my life is strong and would be an asset to my next relationship.
5-7 Okay This area needs work, but would most likely not sabotage my next relationship.
0-4 Needs Work This area could interfere with the success of my next relationship.

1 I know what I want. I have a clear vision for my life and relationship. I can envision my perfect life in detail that feels strong, real, and keeps me motivated.
2 I know my requirements. I have a written list of at least ten non-negotiable requirements that I use for screening potential partners. I am clear that if any are missing, a relationship will not work for me.
3 I am happy and successful being single. I enjoy my life, my work, my family, my friends, and my own company. I am living the life that I want, and I am not seeking a relationship out of desperation and need.
4 I am ready and available for a commitment. I have no emotional or legal baggage from a previous relationship. My schedule, commitments, and lifestyle allow my availability to build a new relationship.
5 I am satisfied with my work or career. My work is fulfilling, supports my lifestyle, and does not interfere with my availability for a new relationship.
6 I am healthy in mind, body, and spirit. My physical, mental, or emotional health does not interfere with having the life and relationship that I want. I am reasonably happy and feel good.
7 My financial and legal business is handled. I have no financial or legal issues that would interfere with having the life and relationship that I want.
8 My family relationships are functional. My relationship with my children, ex-partner/spouse, siblings, parents, and extended family do not interfere with having the life and relationship that I want.
9 I have effective dating skills. I initiate contact with people I want to meet, and disengage from people who are not a match.
10 I have effective relationship skills. I understand relationships, can maintain closeness and intimacy, communicate authentically and assertively, negotiate differences positively, allow myself to trust and be vulnerable, and can give and receive love without emotional barriers.

80-100 Green Light You are well on your way to the life and relationship you really want.
50-79 Yellow Light Continue to work on the areas needed, and take it slow in relationships while doing so.
0-49 Red Light Take a break from seeking a partner, focus on your life, and prepare for the
relationship that you want.

Once you take this quiz and decide if you’re ready to move forward with a relationship, the next step is to make a list of your relationship requirements. This will put you on a clear path, and you’ll have a better understanding of what to look for in a partner.

13 Reasons Why This Show is So Relevant

13 Reasons Why This Show is So Relevant

Have you watched 13 Reasons Why? Let’s discuss 13 reasons why this show is so relevant.

This post is going to reveal major spoilers, so DO NOT continue unless you watched all four seasons.

If you’re like me, you dropped everything else you were doing to binge the fourth and final season of this show. I told friends what I was watching, and one of them binged all four seasons in three days so she could discuss it with me!

13 Reasons Why got a lot of hype when it first came out on Netflix. Not only does it delve into heavy topics that teenagers shouldn’t have to deal with, but it shows graphic scenes that are very difficult to watch.

Every episode is filled with intense drama, and I couldn’t stop watching until I got to the finale of each season. There are lots of plotlines that all merge together to create an interesting, entertaining, and educational show.

Maybe the intensity is what kept me wanting more. Or perhaps I couldn’t get enough of all the teenage drama. Whatever the case, I zipped through the seasons as I watched the incredible events unfold.

The show displays many powerful and important topics.

Here are 13 reasons why this show is so relevant in this day and age:

1. Suicide

The first season is all about Hannah’s suicide. She created 13 tapes to explain how everyone’s actions and behaviors directly affected her. There are many lessons to be learned from this season. Most importantly, be very careful what you do or say to others, as you have the power to alter a person’s life forever.

2. Mental Health

Hannah unfortunately didn’t receive enough counseling before her untimely death, but all the other characters have a lot of psychological trauma that needs to be dealt with. Clay luckily seeks regular therapy in season four, but Jessica and Alex should put their mental health first after what they’ve been through. The lesson here is to seek counseling when necessary.

3. Rape

The three rape scenes are extremely disturbing. Hannah’s rape is the final straw for her, and Jessica comes out of her rape stronger than before by creating an activist group. Tyler’s rape is so violent and traumatic that I was surprised he comes out of it alive. Terrible things happen to good people, so the lesson here is that it’s possible to get through it with support from loved ones.

4. Love

Clay is afraid to show his feelings for Hannah, and then he never gets the chance. He grapples with that throughout all four seasons. Jessica and Justin’s love for each other is deep and real, even after every barrier they face. The takeaway lesson is that if you love someone, tell them your feelings before it’s too late.

5. Friendship

Although Clay and Tony come from such opposite backgrounds, their friendship is strong until the end. Hannah, Jessica, and Alex also have a powerful connection at one point, but romance splits them apart. Tyler gets a sense of belonging once Clay and Tony befriend him. The lesson is that it’s possible to be friends with anyone, as long as you work on the relationship.

6. Addiction

Many characters struggle with alcohol and drugs, and even sex addiction. Justin shows us what the worst-case scenario can be if you continue down that path. His death is a sad, yet realistic outcome of his drug use. The lesson here is that you should seek help if you have an addiction, and don’t be afraid to admit when you fall off the wagon.

7. Violence

Every episode includes some sort of violence. The guys shove and punch each other without a second thought, and there are constant fights that break out between friends and enemies alike. The lesson is that it’s important to show restraint and think before you throw a punch needlessly.

8. Homosexuality

When it is revealed that Monty is gay, it allows the audience to sympathize with him a little bit. His violent actions towards Tyler and Winston are appalling, but he struggles with his identity and doesn’t know how to show his true self. Alex is more self-aware and able to openly express his feelings. The lesson here is to figure out who you really are and display it proudly for all to see.

9. Family

The parents don’t play a huge part in this show, but they are always around when their kids need support and guidance. Justin gets a second chance when Clay’s parents welcome him with open arms into their family. Tony’s family unfortunately gets deported, but they’re still with him in spirit. There is much secrecy and avoidance of parental figures, but the lesson is that family comes first. They’ll be there for you no matter what.

10. Guns

Nothing good comes from guns in this show. Alex almost kills himself, Tyler almost shoots everyone at school, and the active shooter drill creates complete chaos and rioting. The lesson here is that teenagers should not have access to guns. They aren’t mature enough to handle it.

11. Murder

The two most despicable characters, Bryce and Monty, get what they deserve. After committing horrific crimes, they’re killed. Bryce tries to make amends for his sins before he dies, and Monty tries to push away his past and figure out his identity. The lesson is that every life is sacred, and it’s possible for people to redeem themselves.

12. Guilt

All the characters carry guilt throughout the episodes. Hannah feels guilty for Jeff’s death. They all feel guilty for causing Hannah’s suicide. Zach feels guilty for beating up Bryce, which in turn causes his death. Alex claims to not feel guilty about pushing Bryce to his death, but he struggles with guilt nevertheless. Jessica and Clay blame themselves for not noticing Justin’s deterioration. The lesson here is to learn to forgive yourself.

13. Secrecy

Hannah keeps her emotions bottled up. Jessica doesn’t reveal her rape for a long time. Clay won’t talk about his anxiety until he’s forced to. Justin is scared to mention that he’s using drugs again. Teenagers should not have to keep pain and dark secrets in their hearts. The lesson here is that you should find a trusted source to tell your secrets to.

As you can tell, 13 Reasons Why explores a multitude of important themes.

This Shmoop article by Jay Asher, the author of the book the show is based on, goes into a detailed analysis of themes. Some are similar to mine, while he added other important ones from the book as well.

I believe that parents, teachers, and therapists of teenagers should watch this show to understand its significance. It’s entertaining and informative, and it touches on many issues that teenagers deal with in today’s world. 13 Reasons Why is very relevant and enjoyable to watch, so I definitely recommend it!

Romantic Time Travel & Alternate Reality Movies

Romantic Time Travel & Alternate Reality Movies

Romantic time travel and alternate reality movies are pretty amazing to watch.

I love movies that jump around in time or show an alternate reality. Back to the Future, which is a classic example and one of the greatest time travel movies ever, comes to mind first, but this list is going to include my ten favorites in the romance category. They are in release date order.

10 Best Romantic Time Travel & Alternate Reality Movies

Big movie

1. Big (1988)

Tom Hanks knows how to live it up! As a boy who is suddenly in a man’s body, he faces the reality of adulthood, including getting a job, finding a place to live, and even dating. He’s still a child at heart, but will he be stuck as a man forever without experiencing life as a teenager?

Mr. Destiny movie

2. Mr. Destiny (1990)

Life is pretty average for James Belushi’s character, but he wonders how much better life would be if he had won his high school baseball championship. He gets his birthday wish and is placed in an alternate reality. Will this new version of his life be that much better?

Groundhog Day movie

3. Groundhog Day (1993)

Does living the same day over and over again seem appealing or frustrating to you? Bill Murray’s character eventually makes the most of it by learning some new skills and trying to win his crush’s heart. Will he wake up to the song “I Got You Babe” forever?

Sliding Doors movie

4. Sliding Doors (1998)

Gwyneth Paltrow stars as a woman in London who faces many challenges. One storyline shows the progression of events when she makes the train to get home, while a second storyline follows the chain of events after she misses that train. How different will her life be from missing one train?

Freaky Friday movie

5. Freaky Friday (2003)

Lindsay Lohan thinks life is so much simpler for her mom, while Jamie Lee Curtis doesn’t understand her daughter’s behavior at all. This remake from the 1976 version tells the story of a mother-daughter switcheroo.

13 Going on 30 movie

6. 13 Going on 30 (2004)

This movie is pretty similar to Big, but this time a girl gets transformed into a woman overnight. Jennifer Garner brings out the kid in all of us, and she shows us the trials and tribulations of being both a teenager and an adult.

Click movie

7. Click (2006)

Adam Sandler takes advantage of a universal remote that allows him to jump through time and skip the boring parts of life. What’s the harm in fast-forwarding an argument with his wife or an illness? He sees what his future will be if he continues on this same path.

17 Again movie

8. 17 Again (2009)

This plot is somewhat the opposite of Big and 13 Going on 30. Matthew Perry plays a man who gets a chance to redo his past mistakes by being reborn as his teenage self, played by Zac Efron. Will being a teenager again help him improve his current life?

The Time Traveler's Wife movie

9. The Time Traveler’s Wife (2009)

I was excited when they turned this book into a movie. Imagine jumping around in time without control. That’s exactly what Eric Bana’s character goes through. Rachel McAdams plays his loving wife who has to accept his continuous disappearances as he travels through time.

About Time movie

10. About Time (2013)

Did you know that Rachel McAdams has been in four movies about time travel, but she’s never the one to travel through time? In this movie, the leading man has control over his ability, so he uses it to try to win her heart. Will he succeed?

Let me know if you have others to add to the list. This article mentions some other romantic time travel movies that are worth watching. Two more that I also love are Hot Tub Time Machine and When We First Met. So many great ones to choose from! Check out my list of the Top 20 Romantic Comedies as well.

Home Exercises During COVID-19

Home Exercises During COVID-19

Being stuck at home all the time because of COVID-19 can be really frustrating, but it is possible to do home exercises during this pandemic to keep you healthy.

Here’s a list of exercises you can do without any equipment. Strength training is just as important as cardio, so try to incorporate both types into your workout.

If you just want one simple piece of equipment to give you a full body workout, it should be the TRX.

There are lots of phone apps that talk you through a quick 5-10 minute workout (some on my phone are 7MinuteWorkout, Workout Women, and Daily Cardio), and there are hundreds of YouTube videos with home workouts you can try.

I like to exercise while watching TV or a movie. That way, I’ll make sure to keep moving throughout the entire episode. For movie suggestions, check out my list of the 20 Best Romantic Comedies to get you started.

You can create your own personalized workouts using a combination of strength training and cardio exercises listed below. There are plenty of other exercises to incorporate into your daily routine, but here are some common ones for beginners.

Bodyweight Strength Training Exercises:

1. Squats: This is the best leg workout, but make sure you have proper form. Otherwise, you can hurt your knees and back. If you have pain while doing it, STOP! You can also modify the squats if you have injuries. Check out instructions on how to do a squat on Stylecraze.

2. Push-ups: This is an ideal chest workout, but again, proper form is key. If you have a shoulder or neck injury, you should either avoid push-ups or modify them. Go to Sportsrec for proper push-up instructions.

3. Planks: This is the best core workout that strengthens your abs, back, chest, and shoulders. The longer you hold it, the better. Check out Livestrong to learn how to do a plank. The forearm plank is the most common, and you can try other variations to mix it up.

4. Supermans: Most people don’t have a pull-up bar at home, so here’s a good alternative to work out your back muscles. Check out Popworkouts to learn how to do a superman.

5. Lunges: This is another great leg workout. If you have a knee injury or feel unbalanced, you can hold a chair for support or modify the exercise. Check out Greatist for instructions on how to do lunges.

6. Crunches: Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to abdominal exercises. Make sure you do each crunch slowly and deliberately. You should avoid these if you have a neck or back injury. Go to Healthline to learn the right way to crunch.

Cardio Exercises:

1. Running in place: This is pretty self-explanatory. If you don’t know how to do this, check out Sworkit for directions.

2. Front/side/back kicks: If you enjoy learning about kickboxing moves, check out Shape for the proper techniques.

3. Jumping jacks: Here’s another exercise that is simple to do. Go to Gethealthyu to learn how to do these.

4. Jab/hook/uppercut punches: This Shape article explains how to punch properly.

5. Mountain climbers: This is a great full body cardio exercise. You can learn how to do it at Verywellfit.

6. Squat jumps: Womenshealthmag explains the proper way to do this exercise. You should avoid these if you have a knee injury.

Top 20 Romantic Comedies

Top 20 Romantic Comedies

There are tons of Top 20 lists of the best romantic comedies.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosures here.

I’ve seen them all, and they never get boring to me. I could watch them over and over again and always be entertained.

I’ve seen plenty of older romantic comedies that are excellent, but this list is going to focus on the best ones that came out while I was growing up.

I couldn’t pick one favorite, so I’m putting them in release date order. Let me know your thoughts and if you agree with my list.

The Top 20 Romantic Comedies


When Harry Met Sally movie

1. When Harry Met Sally (1989)

This movie brings up the age-old question: “Can men and women be just friends?” The well-written screenplay beautifully shows the progression of Harry’s and Sally’s relationship. There are plenty of classic moments in this movie, like the famous restaurant scene, so this is a perfect romantic comedy for my list. 


While You Were Sleeping movie

2. While You Were Sleeping (1995)

I watched this movie A LOT growing up. The misunderstanding that arises because of Sandra Bullock’s crush on a man she has never spoken to is comedy gold. Will she fall for the guy who’s in a coma? You’ll have to watch to find out.


Clueless movie

3. Clueless (1995)

This is such a fun movie to watch. I love how they portray wealthy Beverly Hills students, and Alicia Silverstone playing a ditzy girl who cares so much about helping others is sweet and uplifting.


The Truth About Cats and Dogs movie

4. The Truth About Cats & Dogs (1996)

This is a really cute movie about honesty and self-respect. With Janeane Garofalo’s engaging personality and Uma Thurman’s natural beauty, will this unlikely pair become friends?


My Best Friend's Wedding movie

5. My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997)

This classic wedding story is perfect from start to finish. Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz are both relatable and beautiful, and their opposite personalities bounce off of each other well.


The Wedding Singer movie

6. The Wedding Singer (1998)

This is the first movie Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler star in together, and it’s my favorite from that duo. Adam Sandler’s outrageous behavior mixed with Drew Barrymore’s sweet innocence create a funny character dynamic. The song played at the end of the movie is very catchy and romantic, too.


Can't Hardly Wait movie

7. Can’t Hardly Wait (1998)

This movie has a variety of characters showing different high school cliques. All the plots intertwine flawlessly to create a funny and heart-warming movie. It even shows where the characters end up years after graduation, which gives it a satisfying conclusion.


There's Something About Mary movie

8. There’s Something About Mary (1998)

The Farrelly Brothers definitely know how to write and direct an excellent movie. The plot is so intricate, and it all weaves together seamlessly. Which oddball character will win over Mary’s heart? You’ll have to watch it to find out.


10 Things I Hate About You movie

9. 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

Any movie starring Heath Ledger and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is bound to make my list. I’m personally not a Shakespeare fan, but I like the fact that this movie is a modern version of “The Taming of the Shrew.”


Never Been Kissed movie

10. Never Been Kissed (1999)

Drew Barrymore knows how to pick the right screenplays for her audience, and I am always drawn to movies she’s in. All the typical high school cliques are represented with over-the-top and comical scenes that occur.


American Pie movie

11. American Pie (1999)

This movie has a great ensemble cast of hilarious characters. Everyone can relate to someone or something that happens. Even parents can identify with the awkward talks Eugene Levy has with his son. The four main friends have unique personalities that attract different types of women, and all the lead-up to prom night is pure entertainment. 


Bridget Jones's Diary movie

12. Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001)

Renee Zellweger does an exemplary job portraying a disheveled, slightly awkward woman in her 30s. No matter what she faces, her loving friends stick by her and help her through the bumpy road of life. The opening scene with the song “All By Myself” starts the movie off in the right direction.


Hitch movie

13. Hitch (2005)

Watching a dating coach help lonely men find love is really inspiring! Will Smith is the ideal actor for this role, and Kevin James’s awkwardness with women is entertaining. The two main romantic relationships complement each other nicely to create an enjoyable experience for all romantic comedy fans.


Wedding Crashers movie

14. Wedding Crashers (2005)

The combination of the four main actors is magnificent, and all the character personalities mesh so well together. I did background work at the time, and I’m in one of the wedding scenes. Let me know if you find me!


The 40-Year-Old Virgin movie

15. The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005)

The title says it all. How can a movie with this name not be funny? This was also filmed during my time doing background work, so I’m in a few scenes. This movie gets me every time with its ridiculous humor and hysterical characters.


Just Friends movie

16. Just Friends (2005)

Based on the title, it’s pretty obvious that this is another movie that delves into the topic of men and women being just friends. Will Ryan Reynolds and Amy Smart be in the friend zone forever? You’ll have to watch to find out. 


Forgetting Sarah Marshall movie

17. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)

Jason Segel wrote an impressive screenplay, and he incorporated some real life events into the plot, including a full frontal breakup at the start of the movie. The combination of characters mixed with the humorous scenes are not to be missed.


My Best Friend's Girl movie

18. My Best Friend’s Girl (2008)

This movie didn’t get as much praise as it deserves. I never see it on a list of the best romantic comedies, but it should be. The interactions between Kate Hudson and Dane Cook are amazing, and Alec Baldwin as a womanizing father is also hilarious to watch. 


Crazy Stupid Love movie

19. Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)

This movie has a lot going for it, including a top-notch cast, a phenomenal screenwriter, and a heart-warming plot. Writer Dan Fogelman knows how to incorporate many different storylines into one flawless movie.


What's Your Number movie

20. What’s Your Number? (2011)

Here’s another movie that I never see on any list of the best romantic comedies, but it really should be. The plot is spot on for any modern woman who still hasn’t found “the one.” This movie makes you question whether you should try to date ex-boyfriends again. Will Anna Faris find love with one of her old boyfriends?



If you’re interested in other romantic movies, check out my blog entitled Romantic Time Travel and Alternate Reality Movies. Another extensive list is by Rotten Tomatoes, which highlights the top 200 romantic comedies of all time. There are lots to watch, and they will all warm your heart and teach you a lesson about love as well.