What are some body language tricks to attract a date?

When you meet new people, their initial impression of you is mainly based on your appearance and body language. It’s important to look your best and give off a positive vibe that reveals your interest.

In “The Little Mermaid,” Ariel asks how to get a man’s attention without her voice. Ursula, the sea witch, says, “Don’t underestimate the importance of body language.” Although she’s trying to manipulate Ariel into signing her life away, there’s truth to that statement.

If you’re infatuated with someone who thinks of you as a platonic friend, learn some ways to get your crush to notice you as a romantic possibility.

Body Language Tricks

  1. Make eye contact and widen your eyes when talking to your date. Widening your eyes conveys interest and makes you appear more attractive.

  1. Mirror your date’s movements, and lean forward as you make conversation. This will get him/her to relax and feel like you’re completely connected.

  1. Keep your head up, shoulders back, and arms and legs uncrossed. You will exude confidence and openness, which are both sexy.

  1. Point your feet toward your date. If you do cross your legs, then at least have your top foot facing him/her. This shows interest and availability.

  1. Smile like you mean it. A genuine smile will catch everyone’s attention, while a fake one will repel them all.

  1. Reach out and gently put your hand on his/her arm for a few seconds, and then slowly pull it away and run your hand through your hair. This will get your date to imagine running his/her own hands through your hair.


Using proper body language tricks can lead to a flirtatious, sexy conversation with someone you’re interested in. Once you master these tricks, you’ll be more relaxed and attract the right people. Check out my list of flirting tips that you can use as well. Plus, read more about how body language is an essential tool in dating and attraction.