There are 7 ways to really get to know someone you’re in a relationship with.

Of course, spending time together, asking each other deep questions, and participating in activities together are all vital to growing as a couple. But if you want to know your date’s true nature, this list will help you gain insight.

Here are 7 Ways to Really Get to Know Someone:

1. See how he acts while drunk

Your true colors will show when you’re drunk. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions, and you may do stupid things without thinking. Your personality could become more extreme, whether you’re silly and happy, angry and aggressive, moody and emotional, or relaxed and calm. After your date has a few drinks, pay attention to his behavior to get a sense of his true nature.

2. See how he treats the waiter

You may have heard that the way a man treats his waiter is very telling of his personality. It’s true! If your date is condescending, demanding, or just plain rude to the waiter, there’s a good chance he’ll treat you the same way. Maybe not yet, but you’ll eventually see that side shine through. On the other hand, if your date is friendly and generous with the waiter, it’s a sign that he’ll probably be that way with you in the long run.

3. See how he behaves while angry

Everyone has a unique way of showing anger. Some clam up and lock themselves in their room until they calm down. Others lash out at anyone in their path. Some appear to be a ticking time bomb, and if you make the slightest movement or comment to set them off, they’ll explode. Showing anger makes you vulnerable, but if your date handles his anger in a mature way, you’ll learn a lot about his true nature.

4. See how he acts when sick

Being sick is awful. You not only feel physically weak and helpless, but it clogs your mind and judgment as well. In the movie Wedding Crashers, a character ingests Visine, which causes him to be sick all night. He’s rude and demanding to his girlfriend, and although he had been able to hide that nasty side from her, his true personality shows when he’s sitting by the toilet.

5. During an emergency

If there’s an emergency, would you want your date to panic and run around acting like a chicken with its head cut off? Or would taking appropriate actions to resolve the situation be much better? How your date deals with last-minute emergencies is telling of his personality. If you’re injured, you want someone by your side who will take charge and help you, while keeping you calm and relaxed throughout the whole ordeal.

6. See how he interacts with family

You may hide your true self from dating prospects and instead show the best version of yourself for as long as possible. However, your family knows the truest version of who you are. After all, you’ve grown up together, and they saw all sides of you at every stage of your life. Once you watch how your date interacts with his family, you’ll get a sense of who he truly is.

7. While on vacation

Going on vacation with a partner is a great way to really get to know each other. You’re both out of your comfort zone and in a new environment, and you can’t always control your surroundings. You get to see what he’s like on a plane, in a hotel, while exploring, and when things go wrong. If it’s raining the day you wanted to go to the beach, does he get frustrated and moody? You can learn how rigid or flexible he is throughout the entire vacation experience.

1 Comment

  1. My ex got so vulgar and obnoxious whenever she was drunk, and I started to notice that side of her appear when she wasn’t drunk, too. I realized that she was just an obnoxious person in general!


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